From today we only have 4 days left of school. Although I feel kinda stressed because everything is due this week like grades and stuff.We also have an event on Thursday which is dinner dance. I really hope everything goes well. But it's pretty crazy because it's the day before dinner dance and everyone has last minute things to do including me . Although I'm not really stressed about tomorrow's event I am stressed over Friday night because I'm doing the community report back. I think if my group actually put some effort in then it wouldn't be that stressful. Not to mention I have 3 papers do for my social justice class possibly by Friday. Although things feel weird because we're not taking home our iPads anymore which makes things a whole lot harder. I guess I have a lot on my plate but next week should be pretty easy because we finally have the day off thank the lord and we also graduate next week. Although maybe if I had organized myself at the beginning of the quarter things would be a lot easier. I just can't wait for this week to be over and for us to graduate.
A's Wicked Reviews
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Final Day's...
From today we only have 4 days left of school. Although I feel kinda stressed because everything is due this week like grades and stuff.We also have an event on Thursday which is dinner dance. I really hope everything goes well. But it's pretty crazy because it's the day before dinner dance and everyone has last minute things to do including me . Although I'm not really stressed about tomorrow's event I am stressed over Friday night because I'm doing the community report back. I think if my group actually put some effort in then it wouldn't be that stressful. Not to mention I have 3 papers do for my social justice class possibly by Friday. Although things feel weird because we're not taking home our iPads anymore which makes things a whole lot harder. I guess I have a lot on my plate but next week should be pretty easy because we finally have the day off thank the lord and we also graduate next week. Although maybe if I had organized myself at the beginning of the quarter things would be a lot easier. I just can't wait for this week to be over and for us to graduate.
Friends come and go but family is forever...
I'm very lucky to have my great grandma and grandpa to still be alive. Although I have been noticing that their no getting any younger. Sometimes I feel like my family doesn't appreciate that their still alive. They all complain about taking them to the doctors and having to do so many things with them. What else can do but to help them with what they need to do. Their like little kids again the need to sleep and they need people to help them with simple daily task.They should really be a priority for them. I don't really see why their own children don't want to do that for them when they both did it for them when they were just kids. Although my grandpa has jealously issues like serious issues like if he was crazy. He does so many things just to make sure my grandma isn't cheating on him. It so bad that he even gets jealous of his own children. In the middle of the night he would walk around saying things and then he would check underneath everywhere even underneath the couch where nobody can even fit. Then once my uncle leaves to work then he would walk into my uncles and his boyfriends room and lift the sheets even when the guy is just sleeping their alone just to check if my grandma's there. It sad to think that this might be the end.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Another busy Saturday....
Over the weekend I had my first communion. I think ewverything went alright but the morning was really busy. I had to wake up early to get my hair done my hair appointment was at 7:30 in the morning but we got their earlier than we needed to. Although the good thing is that I had already ate some food before I had went to go get my hair done. Although I wasn't to happy with my family because they were all running late like always. But it was my special and they weren't ready. I really couldn't be late to the misa. Although I really was happy that I finally got to do this I mean I've been going to church school since September and then it ended in April. That was a lot of time for me to be going to those classes and for then me to fail and not be able to do this because I didn't pass. But at the beginning I didn't want to go but then I began to develop a habit of going and actually like going. I really liked the dress I got to wear. Every other girl was wearing like a puffy dress and I didn't. I had a light dress really simple just the way I like my dresses to be. It didn't have any type of glitter or anything like sparkly. Although the bad thing about the dress was that it was short and it was really cold outside and I was shaking so much. Not to mention I didn't even have a jacket because my mom didn't want me to wear one of my jackets so she made me wear this that kinda felt like a blanket. She said it would keep me warm because it kept her warm and honestly it really didn't keep me warm.Then later on their was a party in honor of Mother's Day. Overall I had a really fun day and it was so special.

What's your favorite sports? Do you really know everything about it? Jeremiah is a really big fan of baseball he knows everything about this sport. But unfortunately he can't play his favorite sport. You see Jeremiah had surgery on his heart which then wouldn't allow him to play the sport he loves. But there's are most opportunities as like couch and more stuff like that. Which is exactly what Jeremiah did he wanted to be a baseball couch. He's kinda right for the part he's really interested in baseball which means he knows what he talking about. Walt (Jeremiah's father) and Jeremiah have just moved and surprisingly the town is know for championship baseball team. But the town has a lot of drama going on and actually thinking about giving up baseball. Will Jeremiah cheer up the town spirt and get the team to play?
At first I didn't think I would like this book because it had to do with sports. But when I was picking it out I wanted to read it because of the heart condition he has. I could distinguish the difference between this book and the other books I have read. But then later on it began to grow on me. I really enojoyed how the book didn't feel like it dragged on it didn't feel that long. Although I wouldn't say the book was like one of my favorite but it was good book.I think people that really enjoy sports would like this book.

At first I didn't think I would like this book because it had to do with sports. But when I was picking it out I wanted to read it because of the heart condition he has. I could distinguish the difference between this book and the other books I have read. But then later on it began to grow on me. I really enojoyed how the book didn't feel like it dragged on it didn't feel that long. Although I wouldn't say the book was like one of my favorite but it was good book.I think people that really enjoy sports would like this book.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Deep Green
A book I read this quarter is called "Deep Green" by Melody Carlson. It's basically about a love triangle. Jordan is the main character in this book along with two other characters Shawna and Timothy. At the beginning of the book Jordan and Shawna are good friends because there both on the cheer leading team. Shawna and Timothy had been going out until Tim broke up with Shawna for Jordan. While reading the book it's like both of the girls going back and forth on how to win back timothy. Until Shawna sets up Jordan by sending and email saying it was timothy to meet her somewhere and what time to be there. It was all a setup she wasn't actually going to be meeting Tim she was gonna meet her best friend Ashley's boyfriend. Of course Shawna showed up with Ashley and made it look to be what it wasn't. On the way back home she gets into a really bad car accident.Will Jordan finally realize what's really are her priorities and who will end up with Timothy?
I really enjoyed reading this book. It always had me on the edge of my seat and everything that had happened was so unexpected. It's kinda funny because I kinda have been and seen these type of situations and let me tell you it's not fun at all. Although there are two ways of seeing this book I saw it as teen drama and romance. But it also includes a bit of religion to so you can also view it from a religious point of view. This is just one in a series written by Melody Carlson. I recommend reading her books if your into teen drama and stuff like that. But overall this was a really good book and I enjoyed reading and will read more books by this author.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
And So The Adventure Begins...
The end of the year is finally here! I am so excited and scared at the same time. I'm excited because of because I'm starting a new chapter in my life and I'm excited for the end of the year stuff coming up. Like promotion ceremony,six flags,dinner dance all these things that are coming up this month. I know starting at a new school might be intimidating to some people but not really to me. Although kinda scared because of like my new classes,teachers and new people. I'm not going to the high school I wanted which was Cristo Rey but it is what it is right? I think any school you go to it doesn't matter what really matters is what kind of students you are. Six Flags is gonna be really fun because I'm going to go with my best friends Diego and Louis. I'm pretty sure their going to force me on to all the rides. But it's funny because I'm really short I think I'm like 4'11 so like I don't know if I'll be tall enough to get on all the rides. Either way I really hope that I'm not tall enough because some of the big rides scare me. I just really hope to end this year on a really good note.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Why is culture and knowing where you come from important?
To me culture and knowing where I come from is really important. I think culture is something that identifies a person.Think about the quinceanera I talked about in my previous blog. I've been waiting of that moment since my oldest sister Cristal had her party and she's now 23 years old. That means I had to be 9 year old when she had her quince or younger maybe. To me that felt like such a long wait. We celebrate some many different holiday's in my culture. Like 5 de Mayo (coming up), Day of the Dead, Three Kings Day and even Dia de los nino's which Day of the Children. One of my favorite things about my culture is the dancing and the music. I'm not gonna lie when I was younger all this stuff about my culture and where I came from didn't really matter to me. I use to think I live in ameria why should all this stuff matter to me. Truth to be told now all this stuff has so much meaning. Even when people say I'm not Mexican enough or I'm not American enough.What should it matter if I'm more that the other I'm still just me right? I remember watching the movie called "Selena" and it one of the movie the father say "you have be more Mexican than the Mexican and be more American than the American", That's basically saying that being Mexican-American is more harder than anything. I think the complete opposite of that I really don't care what people have to say about me and my culture.I love when my mom tells me the story of how she came to america. It all sounds so interesting but at the same time it sounds like it was difficult to get here to begin with. I remember the date because it was my cousin birthday. Although there is one scary part to my moms story. My uncle had gotten lost or stuck in the desert. Luckly my uncle Juan which was my cousin's father of my cousin who was born the day they had crossed the boarder. Of course I won't say weather it was illegally or legal. Sometimes I wonder what would have my life been like if my mom would have never crossed that border? Things like these are the stuff I truly value and will keep close to my heart.
This is a tradition dance that's called a "folklorico"
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