Sunday, January 29, 2017


I don't think that I've been in to many arguments that were pretty bad.But the most recent one that I've been in that affected me a lot was when my sister tried to move out.It's was a pretty bad argument.Alrhough yes my sister has the age enough to pick what time she comes home and she has the right to leave.This whole thing started because she was coming at an unreasonable time.My house. Isn't like a most people's we have rules and certain times to come home and we have to respect them.But this isn't  the first time we've had this problem with minister.I remember being very melancholy night for me because I didn't want  my sister to leave the house.Although at times I wished she'd move out but being kicked out I would never want that to happen.To me this one of the worse arguments you can ever have.

Do you have older siblings?If so how would you feel if they were getting kicked out of their home?

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