Sunday, February 26, 2017

Como La Flor!

The person I pick is Selena Quintanilla Perez to spend the day with and meet in person. Although she is dead already. The day she died was March 31, 1995 at age 23.Unfortunately she was maliciously murder by a woman named Yolanda Saldívar. Although her legacy is still around today. She was such an inspiring woman and such an important person it the Hispanic/Mexican culture. I think on question I would ask her is how did her fathers reaction to her relationship with Chris Perez? He was a member of the band he was the lead guitarist. Not only that because of her parents rejection of him they has eloped. That was something so brave she had done because she loved him even with knowing this could end the group Selena y Los Dino's. Imperviously her father had threatened her to break up the group if she kept seeing him. Not only that she inspired so many people she started a fashion tread I believe she had a clothing line too. So many people look up to her and that goes even up to today's day.Her music is still playing they even recently brought out a line of Selena lip sticks. Truth to be told her fans will never let her legacy die she's dead now but forever in our hearts will be alive.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

What Makes Me Happy?

Happiness is family
Happiness is being out with friends
Happiness is my Best Friends
Happiness is eating my favorite type of cake which is chocolate
Happiness is dancing with my family at big family gathering
Happiness is watching my younger cousins smile
Happiness is laughing at my sister and the dumb stuff she says and does
Happiness is playing soccer outside or just going to the park
Happiness is going to Little Village just to walk around and eat
Happiness is going to Target because I love going to target
Happiness is watching Tiny House Hunters and Builders because one day I want one
Happiness is going shoe shopping for myself but only sneakers.
Happiness is thinking about the future and everything I want for myself
Happiness is making people smile and laugh.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Starting A New Journey

The commercial I choose from the Super Bowl 2017 was the 84 Lumber commercial.I really don't have a reason why I choose this one but this commercial shows something that has to do with immigration and that's a very important topic to me.Being a descendant from two immigrants is something I'm very proud of and always will be.I think that the purpose of this commercial was to inspire people to start a new journey.But then I asked myself what does this have to do with wood?I think that will all this political things going on it was pointed directly at all the issues going on with immigrants.Which I think is prefect timing with the new President coming into office and his plans that he has for immigrants.I still find myself asking what does this have to do with wood?Then I thought that maybe the company wants to inspire people to start there own journey's .

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Put Your Happiness First

The best advice I've received was by a teacher.I was going through a rough time and I just need to take with someone.At the time the teacher suggested I see the consular for more help.But I really do have trust issues with everyone I only trust certain people as any other person would.But this teacher is different she's not like a really uptight teacher she's pretty cool and I've known her since 5th grade.The advice she gave me was to put my happiness first before anyone else's. I've actually told that to my sister when she wanted to get married at age of 19.I'm one of those people who always thinks about others before myself that includes feeling and everything else. I've just always been that way with everyone.But I guess when she told me that I realize not for everything I need to put everyone else before me.It's okay to be a little selfish at times as long as your happy that's all that matters.

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