Sunday, February 12, 2017

Starting A New Journey

The commercial I choose from the Super Bowl 2017 was the 84 Lumber commercial.I really don't have a reason why I choose this one but this commercial shows something that has to do with immigration and that's a very important topic to me.Being a descendant from two immigrants is something I'm very proud of and always will be.I think that the purpose of this commercial was to inspire people to start a new journey.But then I asked myself what does this have to do with wood?I think that will all this political things going on it was pointed directly at all the issues going on with immigrants.Which I think is prefect timing with the new President coming into office and his plans that he has for immigrants.I still find myself asking what does this have to do with wood?Then I thought that maybe the company wants to inspire people to start there own journey's .

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